Student Skills Profile

  • Fairview Park City Schools has taken a bold and dynamic step forward to align our mission and vision to make our school district a leader in innovation and success.

    The Fairview Advantage includes a student skills profile, a unique set of attributes that set our students above the rest in preparation for success. Students will graduate with a full portfolio of these skills to take into the workforce or apply in college or post-secondary career options.


      • Create

        We use a wide range of techniques to develop original ideas. We view failure as an opportunity to learn and understand that analyzing and refining ideas is necessary for innovation to occur.


      • Innovate

        We can develop a successful solution to a real-world problem when a new task is presented. We can act on creative ideas to make tangible and useful contributions to the world.


      • Investigate

        We access, evaluate, and use information efficiently, effectively, and accurately for the issue or problem at hand. We can manage the flow of information from a wide variety of sources.


      • Collaborate

        We work with a variety of people from diverse cultures and those who have different experiences and perspectives to discuss issues, resolve problems, and share responsibility fairly. We choose and use appropriate technologies to create shared products.


      • Communicate

        We communicate respectfully, responsibly, and appropriately in a variety of situations, including face-to-face, written, and digital.

      Solve Problems

      • Solve Problems

        We solve different kinds of problems in both conventional and innovative ways. We ask significant questions that clarify various points of view and lead to better solutions.


      • Lead

        We publish our work because we believe that we can make a difference in the world. We demonstrate understanding, friendliness, and politeness toward others and conduct ourselves with integrity.


      • Reflect

        We reflect on the quality of our work, thoughtfully consider feedback from others, and strive to improve both our strengths and weaknesses.


      • Serve

        We care about others as well as ourselves. We actively pursue opportunities that make a positive difference in the lives of the people around us as well as those around the world with empathy, mindfulness, and respect.

      Fairview Advantage Wheel