Board of Education
Back row (L-R): John Straka, Dorin Jackson
Front Row: (L-R): Joslyn Dalton, Erin Hinkel, Jennifer Bolander
The Fairview Park City Schools are governed by a five-member Board of Education that provides governance to the district on policy and financial matters.
The Board’s duties include:
- Engaging community members in decision-making about the district and schools
- Hiring and evaluating the district superintendent and treasurer
- Recommending financing/funding options to the community to provide for district needs outlined in a long-range plan
- Adopting an annual budget and demonstrating fiscal accountability
- Adopting policies for the governance of the district and its schools
- Considering and voting upon the recommendations of the superintendent in all matters of policy, appointment or dismissal of employees, salary schedules or other personnel regulations, courses of study, selection of textbooks, or other issues pertaining to the operation of schools and student achievement
- The Board may only exercise its governing authority when convened together in a public meeting; Board members are not able to take action on district or Board matters individually. Each Board member is elected by district residents to four-year terms during years ending with odd numbers. Two Board members are elected in one election and three are elected in the next, creating staggered terms. Board members may serve unlimited consecutive or non-consecutive terms.
- Board Agendas are posted 48 hours prior to upcoming meetings.