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Public Participation at Board Meetings

Fairview Park City Schools Board of Education is a decision-making body. The public may express sentiments to assist the members in making decisions, but time spent answering routine questions or criticisms takes time away from board meetings. Questions about the operation of schools should be directed to your child’s teacher or an administrator of the school.

Public participation under the agenda item “Public Comments” is welcome and any concern dealing with education in Fairview Park City Schools may be discussed at this time. Three minutes will be allocated for each person to speak with a maximum time of 30 minutes for public participation.

During that period, each person may only speak once or until all who desire to speak have had the opportunity to do so. Administration will attempt to answer questions when they are presented. In most cases more information is needed to satisfy all parties, thus the question may be referred to the superintendent of schools or the treasurer for further investigation or study.

Speakers are asked to refrain from defamatory or abusive remarks, verbal criticism, and/or complaints against an individual employee of the school district. The presiding officer may terminate the speaker’s privilege of address if, after being called to order, the speaker persists in improper conduct or remarks.