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PTA Reflections

2022-2023 PTA Reflections

Congratulations to Fairview Park City School District students Randah Mustafa and Carson Codney for being named 2022-2023 PTA Reflections Award winners! Carson earned a 2nd Honorable Mention in the Intermediate Division in the Film Production category. Randah earned an Award of Outstanding Achievement in the Special Artist category.

Other students were recognized with local awards from the Fairview Park Council of PTAs and the Fairview Park City School District. To see the complete list of local winners, please click here.

The 2022-2023 PTA Reflections Program theme was "Show Your Voice!" Students submitted a variety of artwork to Reflections in categories like dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts.

Click here to view the artwork

Click here to watch the video

PTA Reflections

The Ohio PTA Reflections program has been honoring the creative talents of students throughout the state. More than 10 million students have participated in the Reflections program over the years.

For more information about the PTA Reflections program, click here.

Fairview Park City School District Reflections Artwork