Paying for School Meals
Paying for a School Meal
All buildings are cashless. All cafeteria payments for Early Education Center, Gilles-Sweet Elementary School, Lewis F. Mayer Middle School, and Fairview High School must complete PaySchools or the student can bring to school and pay in the lunch line with either a personal check or money order made payable to the Fairview Park City Schools.
You can use the “Autoreplenish” option in PayFor It and you will never run out of money on your lunch account. Once your account reaches the balance you have set, it will automatically replenish the lunch account in the amount you have designated.
Students who forget their lunch or have a damaged lunch will have the opportunity to borrow lunch from the cafeteria. Accounts will be charged accordingly and reimbursement is expected the following day. A la carte items are not allowed to be charged for reimbursement. Milk is the only other food item that students will be allowed to borrow.