Specialized Healthcare Services
Specialized Healthcare Services
Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Ohio House Bill 264, students with diabetes are eligible for a 504 Plan through the Fairview Park City School District to ensure safe participation in our schools' programs – both academic and extracurricular. A Section 504 Plan enables the Fairview Park City School District to offer health accommodations and other support to assist your child while at school and during school-related activities. This plan can also be used to make sure that the student, the parents/guardians, and school personnel understand each of their responsibilities to ensure your child’s safety. A 504 Plan is an option for parents and their children, not mandatory. We encourage you to contact the school counselor, at your earliest convenience, if you are interested in pursuing the 504 process so we can begin the discussion of how a 504 plan can address your child’s health care needs. Please know, that we will continue implement the Diabetes Action Plan, to provide for your student’s diabetes care needs at school, should you choose not to explore the 504 plan.
Specialized Healthcare Services Forms
Click on the links below to download the forms.