English Language Learners
The purpose of the English Language Learner program (ELL) is to provide acquisition of proficiency in speaking, listening, reading and writing of the English language for students whose first language is other than English. Our ELL students are in all general classrooms and are supported according to their level of proficiency. We provide English support through a variety of strategies depending on the needs of the child, including the use of inclusion, pull-out programs, and additional support as needed. In addition, the ELL teacher works closely with the classroom teachers in maximizing academic vocabulary development. Our program’s goal is to have students become proficient in English in a timely manner.
Title III is a federally funded program to assist school districts in teaching English to limited English proficient students with the goal being to assist these students to meet the same challenging standards required of all students. Students participate in an annual state assessment called Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA), whereby parents are notified concerning student program placement, progress and goals reached.