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Mary Jo Cooper

Staff Shining Star Award Winner Mary Jo Cooper

On behalf of the faculty and staff of Gilles-Sweet Elementary School, it is our pleasure to recognize and honor Mrs. Mary Jo Cooper as our January Shining Star Staff recipient.

Mrs. Cooper consistently goes above and beyond for our students, embodying a spirit of dedication that inspires those around her. Whether it's providing classroom coverage or offering invaluable support to students in the library, Mrs. Cooper stands out for her willingness to jump in wherever needed.

Mrs. Cooper's passion for literature is not only evident but contagious. Mrs. Cooper generously shares her wealth of knowledge about literature, creating an enriching environment for both students and colleagues. Her expertise extends beyond books; she plays a pivotal role in guiding others through the wealth of resources offered by Ideastream.  Throughout the year, she plans various events that bring our school community together like Right to Read Week and the Birthday Books. 

A very special thank you to Mrs. Mary Jo Cooper for all her hard work, day in and day out to the students, families and staff of Gilles-Sweet.