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Megan Wellman

Staff Shining Star Award Winner Megan Wellman"On behalf of the faculty and staff of the Early Education Center, it is our pleasure to recognize and honor Mrs. Megan Wellman as our March Shining Star Staff recipient.

Mrs. Wellman is a leader among her colleagues and a resource for others to consult regarding students interventions, academic growth and achievement.  She diligently keeps what is in the best interest of each child. Mrs. Wellman has worked tirelessly as a collaborator to reinvent the elementary multi-tiered systems of support.  Throughout this process, Mrs. Wellman’s expertise and experiences have provided invaluable leadership.

She ensures each child’s academic, social, emotional and behavioral strengths and areas of needs are identified.  Mrs. Wellman promotes and encourages support to help each child feel successful and their family valued and cared about.  

Mrs. Wellman truly embodies the spirit of excellence, values and mission of the Fairview Park City School District.  A very special thank you to Mrs. Megan Wellman for all her hard work to the students, their families and staff of the Early Education Center and Gilles-Sweet."